"A professional knows where to look, how to look, and what to do with what they find."
Tina Rae
"A professional knows where to look, how to look, and what to do with what they find."
Tina Rae
“RootzFinder went above and beyond during their research by making a connection to a living relative. The connection was invaluable and I am so happy.”
Lutheran Certificate of Confirmation
1900 Census Record
1847 Family Bible
Family Grave Marker
"There are many reasons for hiring a professional genealogist. A recent case involved correctly identifying the father of a young man named Samuel. The only information I was given was an approximate date of birth and the fact that Samuel did not live with his parents when he was a child. I started with locating young Samuel on the 1930 US Census. The information I extracted from this record was combined with the information I was able to pull from the city directories that covered a 20 year time span. This information, coupled with the stories I heard from various family members allowed me to correctly identify Samuel’s mother. With this important clue in place I was then able to find her in the city directories, along with her spouse, who was potentially Samuel’s father. I was then able to locate a military draft card which was the final clue I needed to confirm that this was indeed Samuel’s father.”
-Tina Rae